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Local 3Ders Digital Manufacturing Network partners connects suppliers of industrial products and solutions with a global network of buyers, engineers, and business leaders eager to find the latest manufacturing equipment on the market. We deliver the latest industrial product information, Choose from a network of Local3ders endorsed Digital Manufacturers with local-market coverage, that can deliver quality, functional plastic and metal parts, with optimal mechanical properties and accuracy.


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Local 3Ders Digital Manufacturing Network

Manufacturers can accelerate their business’ digital transformation – with rapid innovation, faster time to market and distributed manufacturing, enabling a leaner supply chain.

Additive Manufacturing(AM)
Network of Global & Local Manufacturers

3D Printing Service Choose a manufacturing partner from

across the globe or within your city.

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CNC Machining and Injection Molding
On Demand Manufacturing Services

Volume job production

Select a manufacturing partner to help with your CNC ,laser, cutting project ,Injection molding.

The digital transformation journey
Become a Manufacturing Partner

Attract new customers and increase revenue more than 3000 partners

with new technologies capable of quality volume production – partnerships, as well as innovation

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